
How to wear: yellow skirt: 3 ways to go‏

rock chic streetstyle fashionblogger fringe bag yellow skirt half bun 70s trend biker boots new collection hairdo trend 2016
70s yellow skirt gladiator heels high heels fashionblogger stylofax debbie hendriks denim
You saw this yellow skirt a while ago and it's an easy grabber this season. That's why I want to show you three different ways to rock this yellow piece: Rocky road: Slightly different, but so summer festival proof combined with a grey shirt with rock print and biker boots. Hippie glam '70 vibe all over! Remember: grey and yellow are great together. Go bananas: Ton sur ton is a personal favourite. Back again with a 70' style denim top, I have a huge crush on oversized sleeves. Gladiator inspired sandals finishes it of the look. Denim & Comfy: The ladylike skirt and heels deserve it to be worn with a strong item like this denim shirt. For me so wearable and comfortable! I love to bring this item back into a wardrobe. Which one is your favourite? Xoxo, Deb.

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